Dawn to dusk
It was dark out there. Sky had worn a thick grey blanket with holes in it. Stars blinked through the holes at times. It was time for rebirth of sun who had a miniature death last evening when he immersed himself into sea. Sun started to walk on his four legs with a paintbrush on one of his hands. As he stepped up from sea to sky, he dipped paintbrush on a dark red paintbucket and applied on the folds of the blanket that sky had worn. As he grew he kept changing the color of paint from dark red to orange to golden yellow. As he grew as a teenager, sun took a shining sword and tore the blanket apart. He showered romance and warmth on earth. Their love flourished with time. Earth was all set to celebrate rebirth of her lover. She vaporized layers of snow from her body. Water droplets on grass smiled back reflecting the universe in sunlight. Their children cried for food. Earth brought water and sun brought light for their elder children - algae, plants and trees - to do photosynth...